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Golden Sequel
I always like my super-hero/fantasy flicks to have a touch of melancholy. (Probably why I enjoy Superman Returns so much, as I’ve written about previously on this site.) One of the things I really appreciated about the Lord of the Rings movies, and the original books, was that t
Movie Mediocrity
I had a rare two-days off from my summer job last week, and so I of course took the opportunity to go see a whole bunch of new movies currently playing in theatres. I had a lot of fun, but I must report that everything I saw was pretty solidly mediocre. The Happening — Its [&hel
With Great Power…
I love comic books. And that means that I grew up with a great love of super-hero stories. These days its true that many of my favorite comic books have little to do with super-heroes (looking through my “to-read” pile I see titles like David Lapham’s Young Liars, St