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Top 15 Comic Books of 2008!
Well, I hope you enjoyed my lists of the Top 10 TV Shows and the Top 10 Movies 0f 2008. But, you know, EVERYONE writes those sorts of top 10 lists! So today, I wanted to send some love in the direction of the best comic books that I read in 2008. 2008 was a […]
On the Comics Shelf
There is a lot of terrific comic book work being published these days. Last month I spent a lengthy post discussing Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. Allow me, today, to bring a few other high-quality series to your attention: All Star Superman, by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely – The idea
Golden Sequel
I always like my super-hero/fantasy flicks to have a touch of melancholy. (Probably why I enjoy Superman Returns so much, as I’ve written about previously on this site.) One of the things I really appreciated about the Lord of the Rings movies, and the original books, was that t