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Star Trek Returns to Television (Sort Of) With Star Trek: Discovery!
The first time I can remember being aware of and excited about Star Trek was when Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home came out in 1986. I must have been exposed to Star Trek before that, because I was excited to see that movie in theatres. But I don’t think I’d seen the prio
News Around the Net
This is a fascinating article about Marvel godfather Stan Lee. It’s a very level-headed examination of everything that he has contributed to the extraordinary pantheon of incredible characters that is Marvel, as well as the criticisms that have been leveled against him by some
News Around the Net!
So, was that the craziest end to an Oscars broadcast ever??? Holy cow. I have never seen anything like that before. I feel terrible for all the La La Land folks, but I am also overjoyed that Moonlight won. I loved that film. Overall I thought the show was very solid. Jimmy
The Top 15 Comic Book Series of 2016 — Part Two!
On Monday I began my list of my Top 15 Comic Book Series of 2016! And now, onward to my TOP FIVE! 5. Lazarus (by Greg Rucka and Michael Lark) — In the future, the planet has regressed into an almost feudal system, with several warring families controlling the planet. The you
Josh Reviews Jackie
Natalie Portman stars as Jackie Kennedy in Pablo Larraín’s intimate and moving film Jackie, which chronicles the days immediately following the assassination of John F. Kennedy in November, 1963. The film uses as a framing device an interview of Jackie by Theodore White for L
The Best Not Quite “To Be Continued” Endings of Franchise Films
One of my complaints about Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was how much of the film was filled with shameless plugs for future DC Universe films. I am all for connectivity between superhero films, thus establishing a shared universe of story-telling. That is, in fact, one of th
The Top Fifteen Comic Book Series of 2015 — Part Two
And so we come to it at last, my final Best of 2015 list! A few days ago I began listing my Fifteen Favorite Comic Book Series of 2015, listing numbers fifteen through six. Here now are my Top Five: 5. Velvet (by Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting) — What if Moneypenny was actually
The Top 15 Comic Book Series of 2015 — Part Three!
I love reading comic books, and it has been fun writing about My Favorite Comic Book Series of 2014! Click here for part one of my list, numbers fifteen through eleven. Click here for part two of my list, numbers ten through six. Let’s bring this home, shall we? 5. Avenger
The Force Awakens and News Around the Net!
So the new Star Wars film is going to be called The Force Awakens? Sigh. Someday I would love to be really EXCITED by the announcement of a new Star Wars title. While The Force Awakens is certainly a better title than The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, it seems very no
Days of De Palma Returns!
I am a sucker for series. Whether we’re talking about novels, comic-books, TV shows, or movies, I love long-form story-telling. When it comes to stories, I love continuity rather than one-offs. I’m also something of a collector/completist at heart. These qualities