Josh Reviews The Amazing Spider-Man
I went into the theatre very dubious about the prospects for The Amazing Spider-Man being any good. I adored Sam Raimi’s first two Spider-Man movies. I felt they captured the character of Spider-Man absolutely perfectly, and they were a heck of a lot of fun. Spider-Man 3 w
DC’s Infinite Crises!
I’ve been having a ball, recently, reading the last few years’ worth of Geoff John’s work on Green Lantern. Click here for part one, in which I discuss Green Lantern: Rebirth and the subsequent collections of Mr. John’s work on the re-launched Green Lantern c
Josh Reviews Season Five of Mad Men
Mad Men took a little while to grow on me. Right from the beginning I recognized it as an extremely intelligent, well-made show. But while I respected the audacity of crafting a show around a group of pretty much entirely unlikable, despicable characters, I found that kept me at a
Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War
One of the new DC comics I started reading following the DCU’s line-wide relaunch (called “The New 52”) was Geoff Johns’ Green Lantern. I’ve been really enjoying it, so I decided to go back and catch up on the saga Mr. Johns has been weaving in the Green