May(Page 2)

Well, I have just about given up on these direct-to-DVD DCU animated films.  There have been some great ones over the years (Batman: Under the Red Hood is probably my favorite), but the series has been very hit and miss.  Since Bruce Timm’s departure as mastermind of the serie

Yesterday I began my review/analysis of Darren Aronofsky’s Noah.  Let’s dive back in! At the end of part 1, I was talking about how I enjoyed that Darren Aronofsky didn’t shy away from depicting the presence of God and miracles in his film.  In talking about miracu

Holy cow I was absolutely blown away by Darren Aronofsky’s Noah.  Settle in and get comfortable, because we have lots to discuss as I attempt to dig into my reactions to this film.  I thought my previous post, my analysis of the ultimately disappointing The Amazing Spider-Man