2014(Page 2)

Well, everything I have seen or read so far of the Terminator reboot Terminator: Genisys has looked abysmal (and good lord I hate that ridiculous title more each time I write it).  But I have to admit this trailer is intriguing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62E4FJTwSuc I love how

One of the most intriguing story threads left hanging by last year’s five-book Star Trek The Fall series was the fate of Julian Bashir. Though Dr. Bashir was able to solve the Andorian reproductive crisis (a story-thread that has been running through the Star Trek books since th

This past summer, the five surviving members of Monty Python reunited for a series of ten live shows at the 02 in London.  The final show, from July 20th, was recorded and recently released on blu-ray.  I can’t believe how phenomenal Monty Python Live (Mostly): One Down Five T