AINTITCOOLNEWS.COM Reviews Motion Pictures!
Back in 2002-2004, I self-published Motion Pictures as a comic book. I only lasted four issues, but I got some great reviews from various on-line movie and comic-book related web-sites. Motion Pictures was the first self-published comic to be reviewed TWICE by the then-new INDIE JONES section of AINTITCOOLNEWS.COM, the well-known movie news and review web-site. Here’s the first review: review, from 12/6/02:
Joshua Edelglass’ MOTION PICTURES has only the thinnest of concepts, but runs like hell with it to make a pretty entertaining comic tailor-made for the average Ain’t-It-Cool TalkBacker. In a Last Action Hero-related accident, a boy and his robot have been teleported into filmdom, using some kind of remote control to jump from one movie to the next. Being your typical uber-geeks, the first film they visit is The Fellowship of the Ring, complete with appearances by Frodo, Gandalf, a very lost Harry Potter, and the disinfected Eye of Sauron (its feeling much better now). As a fan of the books and the film, I enjoyed all of the inside jokes and the obvious affection that the author has for the film. I also got a kick out of the later scene where Batman advises other superheroes on how NOT to be adapted to film, and the litany of heroic battle cries, and many more extremely geeky gags. While our protagonists are drawn in simple cartoon-style, the film scenes are real likenesses of the actors and scenery, and work as both parodies and homages to the films. This is a title I want to see more of, and will be showing to my movie-geek friends.