Summer Movie Catch-Up: Josh Reviews The Hangover
Try as I might, I must admit that my expectations do sometimes color my opinions about a movie that I see. Occasionally I go into a film with very low expectations — and even if the movie is mediocre, I come out pleased because it was better than I expected. Conversely, if I
Summer Movie Catch-Up: Josh Reviews Funny People
I read somewhere a reviewer refer to Judd Apatow’s new film, Funny People, as his “James L. Brooks movie.” Well, if James L. Brooks isn’t making James L. Brooks movies anymore (his last film was 2004’s Spanglish, which not coincidentally was also the la
Summer Movie Catch-Up: Josh Reviews Up
I’ve written about a few of the films that I’ve seen this summer (click here for my review of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, here for my review of Year One, and here for my review of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) but there are a lot more that I’ve s
New Trailers!
Some great new trailers have hit the web in recent days, and they have quite a lot in common with one another in some fascinating ways. First up, we’ve finally been given our first substantial glimpse into what Terry Gilliam has cooked up in his new film The Imaginarium of Dr. P
From the DVD Shelf: Empire of the Sun
Last month I wrote about discovering and really enjoying, in college, some films from what I consider to be Steven Spielberg’s “middle period,” in which he began moving from the crowd-pleasing adventure films that he did so well (epitomized by Raiders of the Lost Ark
From the DVD Shelf: Cloverfield
In one of my very first posts for this site, I mentioned that I’d really enjoyed Cloverfield when I saw it on the big screen, but I wondered how it would hold up to a second viewing (especially on a TV screen as opposed to on an enormous movie theatre screen). I was eager to [&h
More Goodness From Comic-Con!
Battlestar Galactica vets Hamie Bamber (Lee Apollo) and Tahmoh Penikett (Helo) will be together again on the season 2 premiere of Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse! Click here for more details. Speaking of Dollhouse, any interview with Mr. Whedon is always worth a look, and this piece con
News Around the Net (Comic-Con Edition!)
So, wow! After the recent Comic-Con the web has been flooded with all sorts of teases about upcoming movies, TV shows, and other geeky goodness. Here’s some of the best stuff that I’ve found: After so many years of speculation and false starts, the sequel to Tron is fi
More Great Movie Trailers!
On Monday I posted a link to a phenomenal article listing the 50 Greatest Movie Trailers of All Time. It’s a fantastic list, but I think they missed a few: Star Wars: Episode I Teaser Trailer Every time I watch this spectacular trailer, I think to myself, “man, I REALLY wa
The 50 Greatest Movie Trailers of All Time!
Looking to waste a little time? Take a look at this amazing article, listing the 50 Greatest Movie Trailers of All Time! Even better, it’s not just a list — they have embedded video of all 50 trailers listed. It’s an interesting list. I was particularly glad to s