Written Post(Page 223)

So.  Sigh.  The Star Wars Prequels. Its interesting to me to look back now, some years distant, on Episodes I-III. For someone like myself who grew up with the Original Trilogy but who has no memory of seeing those films released, it was an incredible thing to be able to experience

I always like my super-hero/fantasy flicks to have a touch of melancholy. (Probably why I enjoy Superman Returns so much, as I’ve written about previously on this site.) One of the things I really appreciated about the Lord of the Rings movies, and the original books, was that t

I had a rare two-days off from my summer job last week, and so I of course took the opportunity to go see a whole bunch of new movies currently playing in theatres. I had a lot of fun, but I must report that everything I saw was pretty solidly mediocre. The Happening — Its [&hel

It’s still got a dumb title, but holy cow the trailer for the next Bond film is awesome: http://www.moviefone.com/movie/quantum-of-solace/26922/main Please please please let the bad-guy organization be Spectre!!! Also, if Bond is taking things personally, Felix had better keep h

I remember the first time I heard a George Carlin album. It was when I was 13, spending my summers (as I always did, and still do!) at Camp Ramah in New England. Someone in my bunk had a cassette tape with a short routine: Carlin’s classic “seven words you can’t say

First of all, sorry for no new cartoon today! Slight technical difficulties. I’ll be posting it tomorrow — a rare Friday post! But as Bill Cosby says (in the greatest stand-up performance ever committed to film, Bill Cosby Himself), that’s not what I came here to tal

I have been (and always shall be) a die-hard Star Trek Fan. But this past decade has been a rough time to be a Star Trek Fan. The last two Star Trek TV series have been terrible (Star Trek: Voyager) and mediocre (Star Trek: Enterprise). The last two Star Trek movies have been mediocre

Every now and then a great, cancelled-before-its-time TV show earns a magical second chance. My favorite recent example of this is the staggeringly underrated Futurama. This wonderfully bizarre and hysterical show, created by Matt Groening, was cancelled back in 2005, but it was reviv