Written Post(Page 226)

LOTS of fun stuff continuing to hit the interweb in this past week, after the San Diego Comic Con.  Check out these links: Creepy new trailer for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince can be found here! Is the new Terminator movie going to be any good?  I doubt it.  But is this po

One of the movies I’ve been most anticipating this summer, and also one of the movies I’ve been most concerned wouldn’t meet my expectations, is the long-awaited second X-Files feature film, The X-Files: I Want to Believe. My father introduced me to The X-Files mid-w

Seeing as how The Dark Knight has already made two kajillion dollars, I guess most of you reading this have probably already caught the flick.  If so, you quite likely also beheld the magnificent Watchmen trailer.  For those of you who haven’t had the opportunity, behold! &#

So.  Sigh.  The Star Wars Prequels. Its interesting to me to look back now, some years distant, on Episodes I-III. For someone like myself who grew up with the Original Trilogy but who has no memory of seeing those films released, it was an incredible thing to be able to experience

I always like my super-hero/fantasy flicks to have a touch of melancholy. (Probably why I enjoy Superman Returns so much, as I’ve written about previously on this site.) One of the things I really appreciated about the Lord of the Rings movies, and the original books, was that t

I had a rare two-days off from my summer job last week, and so I of course took the opportunity to go see a whole bunch of new movies currently playing in theatres. I had a lot of fun, but I must report that everything I saw was pretty solidly mediocre. The Happening — Its [&hel

It’s still got a dumb title, but holy cow the trailer for the next Bond film is awesome: http://www.moviefone.com/movie/quantum-of-solace/26922/main Please please please let the bad-guy organization be Spectre!!! Also, if Bond is taking things personally, Felix had better keep h