Written Post(Page 217)

Please note:  While I have kept the following review of The Reader as spoiler-free as possible, it does contain some substantial discussion of the film’s story-line.  Those of you who wish to know as little as possible about the movie before seeing it should proceed with cauti

Bryan Singer’s film Valkyrie has been getting a bit hammered in the press lately.  (Actually, I feel like I’ve been reading bad things about this movie for over a year, mostly in connection to the multiple shifts in its release date, which usually indicates a studio&#8217

Are you perplexed by today’s cartoon?  Pop Wall-E into your DVD player and skip ahead to 34:24 (that’s the middle of chapter 12, just after Wall-E gets launched into space).  Then follow this link to see screenshots of the opening credits sequence for Star Trek: Voy

Welcome back to Motion Pictures! I am happy to announce our new schedule of updates for 2009.  New cartoons will continue to be posted Monday-Thursday, every week.  As for the blogs, instead of 2008’s whenever-I-feel-like-it schedule, I have decided to solidify a schedule of n

MotionPicturesComics will be dark next week, as I head to Chicago to enjoy some New Years festivities.   We’ll be back on Monday, January 5th, with new cartoons and lots more fun stuff.  I have a lot of movies and DVDs that I’ve seen recently that I can’t wait to t

I first saw this terrific German film a number of years ago, and for quite some time now I’d been eager to check it out again.  The copious amount of snow that fell this past weekend was as good a reason as any! Released in 1999, the story of Run Lola Run is pretty simple: [&he

I love trolling the discount bins at Newbury Comics and other stores that sell DVDs, because you never know what sort of fun treasures you’ll find for very little money. Case in point:  I recently came across Sergio Leone’s Once Upon a Time in America.  I had heard of th