Who Watches the Watchmen Trailer?
Seeing as how The Dark Knight has already made two kajillion dollars, I guess most of you reading this have probably already caught the flick. If so, you quite likely also beheld the magnificent Watchmen trailer. For those of you who haven’t had the opportunity, behold! &#
Unlearn What You have Learned: Looking back on Star Wars: Episode I
There’s a weird phenomenon that affects me sometimes (and I know I’m not alone in this) where I so fall in love with a story, or a group of characters, that I will watch those characters even in something really really bad. I know Star Trek V is a terrible movie. Terrible. The
Scum & Villainy: Star Wars Episode I
So. Sigh. The Star Wars Prequels. Its interesting to me to look back now, some years distant, on Episodes I-III. For someone like myself who grew up with the Original Trilogy but who has no memory of seeing those films released, it was an incredible thing to be able to experience
The Dark Knight Returns: Spoiler-Free Review!
I am almost speechless. For the past two and a half hours I had my brains pretty much blown out the back of my head by the The Dark Knight in IMAX. This is a SPECTACULAR film. It is dense. It is dazzling. And boy oh boy it is dark. It is SHOCKINGLY dark — […]