Sly, directed by Thom Zimny, is an engaging, fascinating look back at the life and career of Sylvester Stallone. The film is structured around a series of interviews with Mr. Stallone, in and around his expansive home as it’s getting packed up for a move. I loved the way the fil

Orion and the Dark is a terrific new animated film, created by Dreamworks Animation and released on Netflix.  It’s written by acclaimed screenwriter Charlie Kaufman (Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind), and as su

Somewhere in Queens is the directorial debut of Ray Romano.  Mr. Romano co-wrote the screenplay with Mark Stegemann, and he stars in the film as Leo Russo.  Leo is a classic Ray Romano character, a good-hearted but somewhat bumbling schlub, who works for his father’s construct

I was delighted by this long-awaited teaser for the third Deadpool film, bringing Deadpool into the Marvel Cinematic Universe at last: Hearing Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool describing himself as “Marvel Jesus” in an official MCU film is just amazing.  I love that the titl