Posts tagged "Book Reviews"(Page 11)

I have written often on this site about Pocket Books’ spectacular series of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine novels, that continued the story of the characters from that great TV show (the best of the Star Trek series, in my opinion), beyond the series finale.  There were about a doz

About twenty years ago, I started reading the Star Trek novels published by Pocket Books.  At the time, Star Trek: The Next Generation was on the air, probably in the second or third season.  There were no other spin-off shows, and only four Trek movies.  I’d seen those four

I have really enjoyed all of the Star Trek novels written by David R. George III.  Just a few weeks ago, I heaped enormous praise upon his “Lost Era” novel, Serpents Among the Ruins, that depicted “The Tomed Incident” and a story of the Enterprise B.  I also