Posts tagged "Game of Thrones"(Page 4)

OK, this is the greatest thing I have seen in a long time (BUT BEWARE SPOILERS IF YOU ARE NOT UP TO DATE WITH GAME OF THRONES!!!) I love The Princess Bride! I’ve completely lost faith in M. Night Shyalaman over the past decade, but that being said I still think Unbreakable is hi

I love the cable model of short seasons presented all in one burst, as opposed to the network model of 24-or-so episodes strung out over a whole year.  But boy, sometimes it is really hard to wait for the many months between seasons of those cable shows!!  After an excruciating wait

This high school-set Game of Thrones parody, School of Thrones, is fantastic.  Worth it for the awesome opening credits alone. I often wax poetic about my love for the great, much-missed The Larry Sanders Show.  My buddy Ethan e-mailed me this link to a terrific interview with Jeffr

At last!  Our first glimpse at footage from Game of Thrones season three! This is a very funny article: Six Horrible Aftermaths Implied by Movies with Happy Endings. Here is a terrific, in-depth interview with the show-runner of the phenomenal Parks and Re

This was written before the film’s release, but I was fascinated by this piece from CHUD about about Disney’s staggering inability to market John Carter (of Mars). It’s a shame that the film has turned out to be such a colossal money-loser for the studio, but it&#821