June(Page 3)

I am loving the latest teaser trailer for the new Planet of the Apes flick: To this day I remain ridiculously in love with the five original Planet of the Apes flicks (the less we discuss Tim Burton’s “re-imagining,” the better) and am starting to get very cautiousl

Holden Carver has agreed to go undercover in an attempt to infiltrate the criminal organization run by Tao, a genetically-manipulated super-villain of enormous intelligence and brutality.  In order to create a cover that would convince even the super-intelligent Tao, only Holden&#821

I was beginning to think I’d never get to see another great X-Men movie! I’m a big, big fan of Bryan Singer’s first two X-Men films.  I think they’re pretty much perfect, the first two steps in what seemed like an epic cinematic saga.  When the final shot of

I’m finally ready to catch back up with this year’s four-book series of crossover Star Trek novels from Pocket Books: The Typhon Pact.  This series represents the latest installments in Pocket Books’ exciting efforts from the past few years to push the 24th century