
The Marvels serves as a sequel both to 2019’s Captain Marvel, starring Brie Larson as Carol Danvers, but also to Ms. Marvel (which introduced young Kamala Khan) and WandaVision (which introduced Monica Rambeau, who was the daughter of Carol’s friend Maria Rambeau, played b

Una McCormack’s Star Trek: Picard novel, Second Self, is set between the end of Picard season one and the start of season two.  Jean-Luc Picard becomes aware of trouble brewing on the planet Ordeve, so he sends Raffi Musiker and the young Romulan Elnor to help resolve the situa

Let’s start with this first trailer for the new Planet of the Apes film, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes: I’m a huge Planet of the Apes fan, so I’m excited that a new Apes trailer is in the work!  Will the general audience be interested in a fourth film in this re

I loved season one of Loki!  It was joyously weird and strange, dipping into obscure corners of the Marvel Comics universe (I never thought the Time Variant Authority would be depicted on-screen!), and it provided a well-deserved showcase for Tom Hiddleston’s villain-who-we-lov