Posts tagged "Comic Book Reviews"(Page 3)

Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming’s comic book series Powers has been, since it’s inception way back in 2000, one of my very favorite comics.  The series’ hook is fiendishly simple: it’s the story of cops in a world of superheroes.  Christian Walke

It’s incredible that, eighty years after his creation by writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster, Superman remains such a popular character, one who is known and loved worldwide.  Even if you’ve never read a single comic book in your entire life, I bet you know who Su

Back in 1995, David Lapham (working with his wife Maria Lapham) released the first issue of his independently-published, black-and-white comic book series, Stray Bullets.  I wish I could remember why I bought it.  I believe it was because I was familiar with Mr. Lapham’s work

I can’t believe that Kurt Busiek’s Astro City is twenty years old! The series remains one of the finest superhero comic books ever created. Begun in the nineties, after a dreary decade of grim, deconstructionist superhero stories had dominated the industry — sub-par